The flights have been booked! The weekend after the wedding we will be going to Paris, Torino, and Zurich! *Made completely possible by Bic's parents* We will fly into Paris early in the morning, spend the day, night, and most of the next day. Luckily my friend lives there right now and can give us some suggestions on where to stay and things to see :D Then, we will take the train (through the Alps!) to Torino, Italy where we will spend most of our time. Bic has a family friend who is letting us stay in his villa! Luckily, we will have a local to again give us some guidance on things to see before we take the train to spend one or two days in Zurich, Switzerland! All very exciting. I have never really been anywhere (I got my passport for this trip) so I am extremely excited about all three of these destinations! Hence all of the exclamation points...
Now let us all take a moment for some picturessss...
Needless to say, it will be pretty depressing returning to Newport News!