Not too much new exciting news as far as the wedding. I've been wrapping twine around mason jars and my mom and I went to the fabric store and got the fabric for the newer dress I like. Also, we didn't buy it today, but will be buying burlap to make table runners. Here is the inspiration:
(from ) If you haven't noticed, I don't know how to change the url link into different text on blogspot, but anyway...they used to have a tuturial for these. I don't see it anymore on the website, but here it is. You know, in case you ever want to make burlap table runners...
One bolt of 54 inch wide burlap (you can use less, but 21 runners took the full bolt), thread
1. Cut fabric in lengths of 14 feet, two inches
2. Cut in half lengthwise so that each strip is 27 inches wide
3. Turn the ends and sides under one inch and hem
4. Stitch with a zigzag stitch (about a quarter of an inch) on sewing machine
5. Iron flat
The woman who wrote the tutorial said her mom chose satin thread, but it probably isn't mandatory...
Anyway, hopefully these things will come together nicely and add to the "rustic" feel of the wedding and not look ghetto :)